Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Frankfurt Stock Exchange Listings

Listing on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange

Go public on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange in 5 weeks!

Direct Listing on the Frankfurt (Primary Listing)
Whether your company is a German corporation or an Australian, Indian, Canadian, US, UK, Chinese or any other corporate jurisdiction, we can list your company on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange on the First Quotation Board, Entry Standard, General Standard, or Prime Standard segment. You do not have to be trading on any other exchange to float on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. We take care of everything needed for your listing, including preparation of a custom prospectus and BaFin approval (required only for the Regulated Markets). The director of Merger Law Associates Ltd., shall be your central point of contact from beginning to completion of your Frankfurt Stock Exchange listing. A listing on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange is much faster than any other exchange in the world. The entire process only takes approximately 4 to 6 weeks.

Reverse Merger with a Frankfurt Public Shell
Our public shell companies are all brand new companies trading on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. Any country in the world can merge with Frankfurt Stock Exchange public shell company, and in that way, become publicly traded on the exchange. When you merge with an already public trading company, you do not have to meet any of the normal requirements because the public shell company has already met those requirements. Moreover, everything a public company needs, such as the market maker, paying agent bank, transfer agents, etc., are already in place, so nothing more is needed after the merger. When you purchase a public company shell through us, the costs are all-inclusive to the due diligence, purchase agreements, name change, symbol change, initial press release assistance, and more. The merger process is extremely simple, and only about one week. All legal costs for the merger details are included in the cost of the shells we present.

Frankfurt Dual Listing (Secondary Listing)
If your company is already trading on an approved "Like Exchange" foreign stock exchange (there are over 200 approved "Like Exchanges"), we can dual list your company on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange quickly and affordably. For more information, contact us at MERGER LAW ASSOCIATES LTD.

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