Saturday, March 26, 2011

Frankfurt Listings will assist taking your company to go public on Frankfurt in two ways ,through a Direct Public Listing (DPL) ,subject to qualification or through one of the company’s fully qualified listed shells (SPAC)used for quick listings doing a Reverse Merger (RTO) or Share Exchange Agreement (SEA)of your existing company. Either way Frankfurt Listings can have your company public in less than 5 days if need be.

Why list on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange

Listing on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange locates your company in one of Europe´s most important financial centers Frankfurt Stock Exchange operates one of the most efficient stock markets in the world. By holding your IPO at the Frankfurt Stock Exchange you can develop into a truly global company and bolster your equity base for long-term projects. You can improve your competitive positioning and your growth strategies more efficiently by a full listing on one of
Frankfurt Stock Exchange primary market segments.

Benefits of a listing on Frankfurt Stock Exchange

 Access to national and international investors

 Balanced regulation and high market credibility

 Saving time and money with a simple and cost- efficient listing process

 Fastest admission listing process worldwide

 Predicable time schedule for DPL

 Great attention especially for high-tech and “green”

 Strong peer groups and internationally established indices e.g. Cleantech, Renewable Energies, High Tech Engineering
Variety of market segments and transparency standards

The Frankfurt Stock Exchange provides companies with two market segments that consist of different transparency standards. These segments and standards are designed to meet the different capital needs of companies and their investors from around the world. Prime Standard has the highest level of transparency in Europe and is the first choice
for companies planning a major and sustainable IPO. General Standard is based on minimum EU-regulation. Entry Standard offers low costs and flexible access.
An inclusion in First or Second Quotation Board means even less stringent formal requirements.

Main market Prime Standard

The Prime Standard is tailored to the needs of companies seeking to attract global investors and to enhance substantial future growth at comparably low cost of capital.

Overview of admission requirements for Open Market

Must be capitalized at 500,000 Eruo and have a par value of .1 Euro or have a prospectus filed
Accounting standards
EU-issuers: IAS/IFRS
Non-EU issuers: IAS/IFRS or standards equivalent
Reporting history
3 years
Exemptions possible (e.g. SPACs)
Minimum issuing volume
Minimum market capitalization
Initial free float
Free transferability of securities
Issuer together with a bank or a financial services institution. Either the issuer or the bank / financial services institution must be admitted to participate in stock exchange trading on a German securities exchange

Most competitive fees :

Frankfurt Stock Exchange offers the most competitive admission and annual listing fees compared with its peers, e.g. NYSE, Euronext, LSE, HKSE
(Prime Standard: 3.000 admission fee, 2.500 introduction fee, 10.000 annual listing fee)

Key factors for a successful DPL :

The main tasks to bring a company into shape for going public are as follows:

 Preparation of a well constructed, attractive equity story, supporting the central statements by reliable data and information

 Establishing high quality corporate governance standards underpinned by robust management information and management reporting systems

 Composition of the historical financial track record, if necessary conversion to IFRS

 Assessment of the existing capital, organizational and tax structure

 Implementation of legally compliant processes, to be able to fulfill ongoing reporting requirements and to establish an efficient capital market communication process

 Management and employee incentive arrangements

How Frankfurt Listings can support You

DPL Project Management
DPL Readiness Analysis
Preparing detailed timetable and  milestones
Coordination of all DPL activities

Financial Information
Early involvement in the GAAP conversion process
Audit of IFRS / Chinese GAAP financial statements for the past 3 years
Advise on Integration of internal and external reporting processes

Business planning & valuation
Analysis of financial and  strategic profile
Assistance in the development of an equity story
Business enterprise valuation based on the business plan and on market data

Legal & Tax
 Assistance in conversion to a German AG

Corporate Governance
Assist with Implementation of German Corporate Governance Codex
Assist with Implementation of a Risk management system
Assistance in connection with the German enforcement process

Advise with respect to all publicity Requirements
Assist with implementation of an Investor relations function
Assist with implementation of a Compliance Office and compliance reporting

Timeline for an DPL :

With all the proper documents prepared and submitted by us ,we can have you company listed and trading within 3-6 weeks.


The company also has available listed shells available for immediate sale and quick listing . You can be public in 5 days and trading.

Contact Us Today if a Frankfurt Listings is your choice.