Saturday, April 30, 2011

Finacing a Public Company

Frankfurt Listings : FINANCING A PUBLIC COMPANY On the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (FSE)
Merger Law Associates  makes it easier to raise capital. We can take you public with a listing on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (FSE)and introduce you to a network of  Investment Banking Firms. These Euro member stock brokerage firms do not take companies public; however they can raise money for a company once it is publicly traded.
Once you become a client of ours, we will make introductions to Investment Banking Firms and their principals. You can typically expect to meet with decision makers of Investment Banking Firms. Each firm has anywhere from 25-300 stockbrokers working for them. Therefore, these firms represent thousands of stockbrokers. Our introductions are to the decision makers of these firms, the CEO or President. They are the people that say yes or no to whether their firm will raise capital for you.
 You can engage us to begin the "going public" process, and then we can begin making introductions to Investment Banking Firms, and the principals of Broker/Dealers and other funding sources, such as PIPE funding , Equity Lines and bridge and mezzanine capital.  
Benefits of being a publicly traded company
Why would a small or medium sized business owner want to take her or his privately held company public and deal with all the rigmarole associated with public status? That is a good question. Here are a few of the major benefits:
                Going public gives your company more credibility and prestige with customers, clients, employees, the press and the financial community.
                Being a public company provides the company founders with a long-term exit strategy
                Being a public company offers more liquidity for the founders and minority shareholders and investors.
                 Public companies can more easily finance growth through equity capital rather than debt capital because:
                The company stock can be used as currency for mergers and acquisitions;
                Equity is available for an unlimited period of time and can be used without restrictions; and
                Being public increases your company's awareness and visibility vis-à-vis investors.
                Being public makes it much easier to raise capital and reduces the need for expensive, and often controlling, venture capital financing.
                Public companies are often valued much higher than their private counterparts.
                Being public gives you more options for raising capital; you can raise capital through both public and private offerings. Thus you have the benefit of access to more sources of capital.
Going Public on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange
Frankfurt Stock Exchange is the third largest trade-place for stocks in the world and the second largest in terms of market capitalization with over 85% of the market as international companies. There are currently about 8,000 companies quoted on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange and the exchange enjoys an annual turnover of roughly 5.2 trillion euros. Most of the FSE’s trading takes place via a fully electronic trading system known as Xetra. This electronic system makes it possible for 15 different countries to trade on a single platform. Because this allows for countries to trade on the exchange without actually being in the country for floor trading, some 47% of those companies trading on the FSE are located in other countries. Those companies wishing to enter the Frankfurt stock market can choose from four different categories: Prime, General , Entry Standard and Open Market. Open Market is of course, the easiest ways since Prime and General are regulated by the EU rules. Major listed companies in Frankfurt Stock Exchange are Addidas, Allianz, BMW, GPC Biotech, SAP AG, Daimler Chrysler, IKB Deutsche Industri Bank, C and C. Hannover Re. etc
 Major investors are Siemans AG, Deutsche Telekom, NordLB, Munich Re, Opel, E.ON, Epcos, Bankgesellschaft Berlin, Helaba, Henkel etc.
About Merger Law Associates Ltd.
 Merger Law Associates Limited is Your Specialist in Frankfurt Stock Exchange(FSE) Listings  
Merger Law Associates Ltd. is a 21st Century financial consulting practice catering to emerging growth companies.
Our primary focus is bringing companies public on the Frankfurt Exchange. With over a decade of experience in the U.S OTC markets and the Frankfurt Exchange, we have the knowledge and experience you need to become publicly listed in a prompt, professional and cost-efficient manner.
Over the last decade, the principals of Merger Law have assisted over 60 different companies to go public on the US OTC or Frankfurt Exchange.
We now work exclusively to place companies on the Frankfurt Exchange. Over the years, this strategy has evolved as the hands-down best option for our clients.
Contact us and we'll explain why.


Thursday, April 14, 2011

FSE : Frankfurt Listings

Go Public On Frankfurt

FSE Listing : Merger Law Associates ,the Firm Choice for your Frankfurt Stock Exchange Listing
For Immediate Release
 April 14th  ,2011 London UK
Why do more companies looking to go public on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (FSE) work with the people at Merger Law Associates? Results!
The people at Merger Law have been working with public companies since 1998. They have collectively, listed over 100 companies, 35 on Frankfurt in the last two years alone .They have the knowledge and skill to guide you through the process .They have also raised billions in capital . Merger Law Associates have an International team of advisors in London, Frankfurt, Zurich, Istanbul, Mumbai ,Toronto, Cayman Islands, Cape Town and Hong Kong ready to assist companies seeking a listing on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (FSE) now.
Merger Law will assist taking your company public on Frankfurt in two ways ,through a Direct Public Listing (DPL) ,subject to qualification or through one of the company’s fully qualified listed shells (SPAC)used for quick listings doing a Reverse Merger (RTO) or Share Exchange Agreement (SPA)of your existing company. Either way Merger Law Associates can have your company public in less than 5 days if need be.
Once you are public Merger Law Associates can assist your company further with funding through our PIPE programs or Equity Lines ,IPO’s, Public Relations and Investor Relations programs and help create Market Liquidity .
If you are considering going public , and an FSE listing is your choice then go to and contact us about your company.
So why use Merger Law Associates Ltd . for your listings ?
Results......... Guaranteed.